

verb con·trast \kən-ˈtrast, ˈkän-ˌ\

: to be different especially in a way that is very obvious

: to compare (two people or things) to show how they are different

Full Definition of CONTRAST

transitive verb
:  to set off in contrast :  compare or appraise in respect to differences <contrast European and American manners> —often used with to or with <contrasting her with other women — Victoria Sackville-West>
intransitive verb
:  to form a contrast
con·trast·able \-ˈtras-tə-bəl, -ˌtras-\ adjective
con·trast·ing·ly \-tiŋ-lē\ adverb

Origin of CONTRAST

French contraster, from Middle French, to oppose, resist, alteration of contrester, from Vulgar Latin *contrastare, from Latin contra- + stare to stand — more at stand
First Known Use: 1646

Related to CONTRAST

Synonym Discussion of CONTRAST

compare, contrast, collate mean to set side by side in order to show differences and likenesses. compare implies an aim of showing relative values or excellences by bringing out characteristic qualities whether similar or divergent <compared the convention facilities of the two cities>. contrast implies an emphasis on differences <contrasted the computerized system with the old filing cards>. collate implies minute and critical inspection in order to note points of agreement or divergence <data from districts around the country will be collated>.


noun con·trast \ˈkän-ˌtrast\

: something that is different from another thing

: a difference between people or things that are being compared

: the act of comparing people or things to show the differences between them

Full Definition of CONTRAST

a :  juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (as color, tone, or emotion) in a work of art
b :  degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture
a :  the difference or degree of difference between things having similar or comparable natures <the contrast between the two forms of government>
b :  comparison of similar objects to set off their dissimilar qualities :  the state of being so compared <the enforced simplicity in this diary … is in contrast to the intensity of his former life — Times Literary Supplement>
:  a person or thing that exhibits differences when compared with another

First Known Use of CONTRAST

CONTRAST[1] Defined for Kids


verb con·trast \kən-ˈtrast\

Definition of CONTRAST for Kids

:  to show noticeable differences <Red contrasts with black.>
:  to compare two persons or things so as to show the differences between them <Contrast the styles of these two authors.>


noun con·trast \ˈkän-ˌtrast\

Definition of CONTRAST for Kids

:  something that is different from another <Today's weather is quite a contrast to yesterday's.>
:  difference or the amount of difference (as in color or brightness) between parts <a photo with good contrast>
:  difference or amount of difference between related or similar things <the contrast between summer and winter>


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